TON Memelandia. Cultural hub for Memecoins Logomemecoins and Community Tokens Logocommunity tokens

TON Foundation recognises the importance of community tokens and memecoins. We strongly believe that creativity, engagement and fun are the key ingredients for community growth.

Everything you need for outstanding growth

Participate in The Open League

A long-term incentive program with $150M in rewards for users, liquidity providers and teams.

Leverage the power of Telegram

Mint tokens, make fair launches and airdrops, and create simple mining mechanisms - all in a few clicks.

Meet the projects

Selected communities compete for rewards in the Token & Memecoin Battle of The Open League. This is not a financial advice or a sign of endorsement.

More projects are available at Coingecko, re:doubt and DYOR.

Creating a memecoin has never been more simple


Create your memecoin (Jetton) using no-code solutions in a few clicks or from scratch.


Engage your community in a fair launch on TON Raffles or TonUp.


Reward your holders with an airdrop in a few seconds. Use the no-code tools created by the community.

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