Mulailah membangun
The Open Network

Temukan bagaimana cara kerja Blockchain TON dan ekosistemnya yang lebih luas, serta cara mengembangkan aplikasi terdesentralisasi dan membuat kontrak cerdas.

Bangun Mini Apps
Mengembangkan Kontrak Cerdas

Unlock access to 950 million Telegram audience

Your app can gain access to millions of Telegram users with a one-click app launch, direct advertising, viral and retention messenger mechanics.

video poster

Set up TON SDK

Download the SDK for the most convenient language to develop on TON.


See more
TON Access

Learn unthrottled anonymous RPC access to TON Blockchain.

TON Center API

Get detailed information about accounts, transactions, and blocks.


REST API to TON Blockchain explorer. Provide access to indexed TON.


GraphQL API for TON nodes and websocket subscriptions for new data.


Simplify development with reliability tools and a seamless developer experience.

It can be useful

Work with wallets

How TON wallets work and how to access them with Javascript.

Build your dApp

A step-by-step guide to building your first web dApp with React.

Awesome TON

A list of tools and materials related to TON.

Other resources


How to view information in the blockchain.

TON Grants & Bounties

Get support for core ecosystem projects.

Accelerate your growth

Support for commercial projects on all the stages.

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